Answering all your compost questions.
Suffolk-based Chris Field, Mister Compost himself, is here to give you advice on peat free composts, topsoil and mulches.

February Gardening 2025: Tips and What to Plant
Its February, and the end of winter is in sight; have you seen any snowdrops popping up? Do you still have snow where you live? Despite it still being cold, damp, and windy, you can still get ahead by sowing seeds now and prepping your garden and beds for spring (see below…)! We hope everyone […]

January Gardening: Tips and What to Plant
Happy New Year! We hope that you have had a wonderful Christmas and time off from work! If you are wondering what to do in your garden for the rest of January, keep reading! This list will help you prepare for spring and keep your plants thriving throughout the rest of winter. Enjoy reading and […]

Earthworms: Why you should be glad to see them!
Earthworms are a common sight for those with a fishing rod or a garden. Indigenous to Europe, these invertebrates are herbivores that can live up to 6 years in the wild (National Geographic). Some may view them as pests, but seeing earthworms in your garden is a good thing – it can be an indicator […]

December Gardening: Tips and What to Plant
Happy December and Merry Christmas! We have been very lucky with the weather in Autumn: sunshine and little rainfall until just recently! I hope everyone has been able to make the most of it and get into the garden or outside for walks and let’s hope December brings sunshine too! I also hope everyone has […]

November Gardening: Tips and What to Plant
It’s the penultimate month of 2024 and a year since I have been writing this blog. I’m not sure if anyone reads our monthly tips but I hope they have brought garden inspiration to someone, or taught them something new. Christmas is approaching, and we are brainstorming ideas for our Christmas do; where should we […]

October Gardening: Tips and What to Plant
Happy October! Its autumn and a very spooky month – have you been growing pumpkins for Halloween? October at Field Compost is expected to be busy, with lots of customers using our Lawn Dressing for their autumn lawncare maintenance and renovations. All of our agricultural and gardening shows are finished for the year, so […]

September Gardening: Tips & What to Plant
Hello September! Here at Field Compost, this month is pretty busy, with the last day of the BBC Gardeners’ World Autumn Fair today, and the Gransden show on the 28th! We are also helping with the set up and running of our local Thurlow Fayre on the 8th! We hope you have a great month! […]

August Gardening: Tips and What to Plant
Its August! It may technically be halfway through summer, but it does feel like it has only just begun! I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine, and I hope it lasts! Our August is looking good; lots of prep going on for the BBC Gardeners’ World Autumn Fair at the end of the month, and […]

July Gardening: Tips and What to Plant
Happy summer everyone! July is often one of the hottest months of the year (fingers crossed), and so it’s a great time to sit out and enjoy your garden – read below for some tips on how to make and keep your garden looking bright and beautiful! General Maintenance: Take advantage of the dry weather […]

June Gardening: Tips & What to Plant
And it’s June – how time flies!! And time does fly when you’re busy; we’ve had a hectic May attending the Suffolk, South Suffolk, and Hadleigh shows. Did you attend? If not, we will be at the Gardeners’ World Autumn Fair on August 30th, 31st and September 1st, and the Gransden Show at the end […]