Answering all your compost questions.
Suffolk-based Chris Field, Mister Compost himself, is here to give you advice on peat free composts, topsoil and mulches.
Category: Uncategorised

January Gardening: Tips and What to Plant
Happy New Year! We hope that you have had a wonderful Christmas and time off from work! If you are wondering what to do in your garden for the rest of January, keep reading! This list will help you prepare for spring and keep your plants thriving throughout the rest of winter. Enjoy reading and […]

December Gardening: Tips and What to Plant
Happy December and Merry Christmas! We have been very lucky with the weather in Autumn: sunshine and little rainfall until just recently! I hope everyone has been able to make the most of it and get into the garden or outside for walks and let’s hope December brings sunshine too! I also hope everyone has […]

November Gardening: Tips and What to Plant
It’s the penultimate month of 2024 and a year since I have been writing this blog. I’m not sure if anyone reads our monthly tips but I hope they have brought garden inspiration to someone, or taught them something new. Christmas is approaching, and we are brainstorming ideas for our Christmas do; where should we […]

October Gardening: Tips and What to Plant
Happy October! Its autumn and a very spooky month – have you been growing pumpkins for Halloween? October at Field Compost is expected to be busy, with lots of customers using our Lawn Dressing for their autumn lawncare maintenance and renovations. All of our agricultural and gardening shows are finished for the year, so […]

June Gardening: Tips & What to Plant
And it’s June – how time flies!! And time does fly when you’re busy; we’ve had a hectic May attending the Suffolk, South Suffolk, and Hadleigh shows. Did you attend? If not, we will be at the Gardeners’ World Autumn Fair on August 30th, 31st and September 1st, and the Gransden Show at the end […]

May Gardening: Tips and What to Plant
Happy May everyone! This will be a busy month in the garden as the days continue to lengthen and grow warmer. Here at Field Compost, we are as busy as ever, with lots of local and national deliveries keeping us on our toes. We are also prepping for the South Suffolk show, Hadleigh show, and […]

April Gardening: Tips and What to Plant
Happy April! And happy it is – its spring! We are a few days into the Easter holidays; here are just some ideas for what to do in your garden or outside this holiday: • If you want to get out of the house, visit a National Trust Garden, or have a nose around your […]

March Gardening: Tips and What to Plant
It’s finally March! Hopefully that means more frequent sunshine and less rain than we had in February (the roads can’t handle any more rain haha)! If the weather is good, then there’ll be lots of gardening tasks to do – check them out below! General Garden Maintenance: Fork over soil in borders, weed and apply […]

January Gardening Tips
Happy New Year! We hope that you have had a wonderful Christmas and time off from work! If you are wondering what to do in your garden on this first bank holiday of the year, or for the rest of January, keep reading! This list will help you prepare for spring and keep your plants […]